Hello,<BR><BR>I would really like to hear what other asp programmers views are on developing asp applications that will easily scale to be asp+ compatible.<BR><BR>I am inclined to start using windows script components, but how does the new architecture of asp+ affect the scalability of this technology? Wsc's are my preference as they don't require a restart of iis every time the component is edited (unlike standard COM components). Does anyone know if wsc's will be compiled by the NGWS runtime on the fly? Also, will Wsc's allow support for the visual basic language?<BR><BR>Or should I forget wsc's and opt for a class based solution using include files?<BR>Like: http://www.asptoday.com/articles/20000629.htm<BR><BR>.. Or is the new architecture of asp+ so different that we will need to totally restructure and recode our existing asp applications to take advantage of all the new asp+ features (compiling, validation, ado+)<BR><BR>Cheers<BR>Mark<BR><BR><BR>If I am not mistaken, I have read that COM objects will no longer require a restart or even a regsrvr32...perhaps you should hop back to those.