class Imports generating infinite loop?


New Member
I've recently experienced an error that may have taken down the whole web server. I'm relatively new to web programming (2 years experience... kinda). But I think I may have narrowed down what may have happened and want to ask if it's possible. I think it is.I have 2 classes that I keep in the \[code\]App_Code\[/code\] directory. One handles logging. The other handles emails.I had set up the logging class to send an email alert if there is an error log generated. Then I set up the email system to generate a log if an email is sent. Both reference the other class to do this.Could this be an "infinite loop" scenario??I may have induced a "broadcast storm" by doing this, taking down the whole server... which is a set of virtual servers. So, the question is kinda important :)I did do some looking around, searching for "infinite loop class reference" but didn't find anything but super technical writing.