I am trying to do a little script that calculates the area of a circle. It prompts before to ask for the radius then calculates. Well, it is supposed to do that. I tried but it doesn't give anything on the page.
Can you please have a look to tell me what is wrong?
function doArea(num) {
var radius = prompt("Please enter the radius of the circle: ", "");
return (Math.PI * Math.pow(radius, 2));
<script language="javascript">
var radius = prompt("Please enter the radius of the circle: ", "");
return (Math.PI * Math.pow(radius, 2));
document.write("The area of the circle is " + " ")
I am trying to do a little script that calculates the area of a circle. It prompts before to ask for the radius then calculates. Well, it is supposed to do that. I tried but it doesn't give anything on the page.
Can you please have a look to tell me what is wrong?
function doArea(num) {
var radius = prompt("Please enter the radius of the circle: ", "");
return (Math.PI * Math.pow(radius, 2));
<script language="javascript">
var radius = prompt("Please enter the radius of the circle: ", "");
return (Math.PI * Math.pow(radius, 2));
document.write("The area of the circle is " + " ")