Cheeky Page Download Speed Query...


Ok guys I'm thinking out loud here, <br />
but I need this cleared up as I'm getting a case of pre-publish nerves of my 1st site . . .<br />
I don't want to lose my Web Design 'Cherry' to a bag full o' problemz! <br />
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So I get a visitor to my Website k?<br />
Now I have a logo and gif's that appear on every page, now are they only D'Led the first time, then drawn from the internet cache ofr every other subsequent page they visit, as opposed to being sucked off of the server again?<br />
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So theoretically won't D/L speeds of subsequent pages be a little quicker than if they were visited for the first time as the bowser wouldn't have to D/L those images consistent to every page because it already has them stored in it's cache???<br />
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Please say it's so!! :confused: <br />
I think this is the way it worx but I am not 100%<br />
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Thanx 4 clearing this 1 up guys...<br />
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d *getting nervous now*<!--content-->dirtystim,<br />
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In most cases your assumptions are correct. The default settings for browsers cause them to Download <!--more--> everything the first time, then reuse the objects as needed on subsequent pages as you described in your post. However, the user can change their settings so that the browser pulls everything everytime. Personally, I don't change that setting, and I'd think that most people don't either, so I think you can rest easy.<br />
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Mike<!--content-->YaY!<br />
thanx Mike, if you could hear the sigh of relief i jus' did . . .<br />
Er that'd mean you were tapping my house - aaaggh!!!<br />
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Seriously M8 Thx for ya wise wordz :)<br />
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d<!--content-->just don't use that as an excuse to swamp the main pages with loads of grphx... otherwise the surfer wont even make it to a secondpage.<!--content-->Aaah 'tis a bitter pill you bear Doc! ;)<br />
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I am in a tight one, as the site is for a fil director, ergo the need for images, I have made great efforts to optimise the butt outta everything!<br />
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All will be revealed soon!<br />
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*hears PPL sigh 'Oh well we can't wait then!'*<br />
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Lol<br />
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d<!--content-->but you have to take in to consideration that (most) everybody cleans out the cache so it will load the images off the site not the cache.<br />
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just keep that in mind as you load the site with images.<!--content-->Yes, this is how it works. It will not d/l the image on every page (at least I don't think so). But this doesn't mean to overload pages w/ graphics. Using tuhmbnails of images is good. This would be actually a comnpletely different image, as when you have <img src="*.*" height="*" width="*"> you are still loading a full isze pic, whereas a completely different image is teh way to go. Just a thought..........<!--content-->