checking values and to display it in a same column


New Member
I am having a result with case statements from sql query and i need to print in asp with if else condition..\[code\]select distinct I.[Short Name], B.[Quantity per] , CASE when SIL.[Shortcut Dimension 1 Code] = 'BLADE-19000' then (Select I.[Old Product Code] from [Item] I where I.No_ = SIL.No_) end as mdl , CASE when SIL.[Shortcut Dimension 1 Code] = 'BLADE-19000' then (Select I.[Trade Name] from [Item] I where I.No_ = SIL.No_) end as bldtrdname, CASE when I.[Blade Handle Type] = 1 then 'With-Handle' end as wh, CASE when I.[Blade Handle Type] = 2 then 'Without-Handle' end as woh from [Sales Invoice Line] SIL , [BOM Component] B, [Item] I where SIL.[Document No_] = 'PEXP1213-378' and OptFit =2 and SIL.No_ = B.No_ and SIL.[BOM Item No_] = B.[Parent Item No_] and B.[Parent Item No_] = 'FG0003550' and I.No_ = B.No_ \[/code\]through this query i am getting the result...Now i need to check condition and to display either trade name or a short name in a same column..