New Member
I have a calculator with multiple checkboxes, but there is a disappearing issue with only one group of them:Let me try to explain this: (the live webpage is here)If you go to the tab named "Audio" and select "Data DVD or Hard Drive" and then either hover over the MP3 checkbox (which is checked) or select WAV or AIFF, the checkboxes disappear until you take the focus away from the page (or click in the special instructions textarea below it).I don't know where to begin on this, as it only happens in Firefox, not Chrome, IE, or Safari, and it only happens on this one group of check boxes.Relevant Code:HTML:<div id="t4types" style="display:none"> <a data-content="<br/>" data-controls-modal="roi-modal" data-original-title="MP3 Files" href="" id="mp3-popover"> <img src="" height="14px" style="vertical-align:middle"> </a> <input type="checkbox" style="vertical-align:middle" id="t4mp3" onchange="updateTab4('mp3')" checked="checked"/> MP3 Files <span class="filler"></span> <a data-content="<br/>" data-controls-modal="roi-modal" data-original-title="WAV Files" href="" id="wav-popover"> <img src="" height="14px" style="vertical-align:middle"> </a> <input type="checkbox" style="vertical-align:middle" id="t4wav" onchange="updateTab4('wav')"/> WAV Files <span class="filler"></span> <a data-content="<br/>" data-controls-modal="roi-modal" data-original-title="AIFF Files" href="" id="aiff-popover"> <img src="" height="14px" style="vertical-align:middle"> </a> <input type="checkbox" style="vertical-align:middle" id="t4aiff" onchange="updateTab4('aiff')"/> AIFF Files</div>JS:function updateTab4(id){ if(id=="cd") { document.getElementById("t4cd").checked = "checked"; document.getElementById("t4ddvdhdd").checked = ""; jQuery("#addl4cd").fadeIn(); jQuery("#t4types").fadeOut(); jQuery("#phd4").fadeOut(); setTimeout("phdOff();",500); } else if(id=="ddvdhdd") { document.getElementById("t4cd").checked = ""; document.getElementById("t4ddvdhdd").checked = "checked"; jQuery("#addl4cd").fadeOut(); jQuery("#t4types").fadeIn(); document.getElementById("audioCD").value =; updateTotal(); jQuery("#phd4").fadeIn(); } if(id=="mp3") { document.getElementById("t4mp3").checked = "checked"; document.getElementById("t4wav").checked = ""; document.getElementById("t4aiff").checked = ""; } if(id=="wav") { document.getElementById("t4mp3").checked = ""; document.getElementById("t4wav").checked = "checked"; document.getElementById("t4aiff").checked = ""; } if(id=="aiff") { document.getElementById("t4mp3").checked = ""; document.getElementById("t4wav").checked = ""; document.getElementById("t4aiff").checked = "checked"; }}Any help is appreciated!