checkbox spacing


I am trying to create a large table (~50x20) of checkboxes, but am being hampered by size constraints. Is there any way to reduce/eliminate the spacing that automatically appears in between the checkboxes? I tried putting into a table with cellpadding of 0, and reducing the font size and neither worked. Any other ideas?<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->well that is because they create a space around then, commanly known as block elements. I think there is a way let me see if I can find it.<!--content-->i don't know how much this helps, but microsoft has the following to say on the matter:<br />
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The height and width styles are exposed to the INPUT type=checkbox element as of Internet Explorer 5. The size of the element is set based on the values provided by the author, except when a given size is below a particular minimum. The size is calculated as follows: <br />
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If the height or width is greater than 20 pixels, the padding around the check box is set to 4 pixels, and the inner height or width is set to 8 pixels. <br />
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If the height or width is less than 20 pixels but greater than 13 pixels, the padding around the check box is equal to one half the specified height or width minus 13. For example, if the specified width of the check box is 17, the equation would be: (17-13)/2. <br />
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If the height or width is less than 12 pixels, the padding around the check box is set to 0 and the inner width is set to the value specified by the author. <br />
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they also mention something about a "margin" style (either "margin", or "margin-top", "margin-left", "margin-bottom" and "margin-right" - i don't know if they do what you're after)<br />
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of course knowing microsoft, none of this would work in netscape anyway...<br />
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if you still have problems, i would suggest making your own checkboxes, by using images with javascript/vbscript onclick events to change their state. that way you can make them look however you want.<br />
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not a precise answer i know, but hopefully it sheds a little light.<br />
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--jackhammer<!--content-->OK.....thanks for the info<br />
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