Check If Time Within 15 minutes


How can I check to see if it is currently within 15 minutes of some set time? I assume it will have something to do with the Now() function?

Thanks....more info? what is the purspose of this?
there is a tool called "timer" in vb projects. that doe something each 15 minutes if you want it to.I actually used the following code and it worked fine (this opens a window from 15 minutes prior to the start of the event until 1 hour after):

sql = "SELECT eMeetingID, MtgName, MeetWhen, Duration, SchedRole, SchedBy, Password, Comments FROM eMeeting "
sql = sql & "WHERE TeamID = " & Session("teamid") & " AND MeetWhen BETWEEN '"
sql = sql & Now() - 1/24 & "' AND '" & Now() + 1/96 & "' ORDER By MeetWhen"