check if current page is main page


New Member
I'm setting up a bunch of different language mediawiki's on one codebase. So far most of it is working, but I want to use a main page that looks different than the rest of the pages. To do this I originally just added some css rules that only applied to the main_page class:\[code\]body .page-Main_Page { <rules> }\[/code\]The problem is that in other languages the main page is called differently (and the class changes accordingly), so I either have to add css rules for all possible main page titles (not gonna happen) or do a check inside the skin that adds a class to the body if the current page is the main page.Unfortunately, there's no way to check that. Most solutions I've googled are based on either 'Main Page' or setting your own title. I want the skin to detect the title automatically.The only solution I