check box stops my Jquery script


New Member
I my login form if I dont check remember me check box in php script it gives \[code\]<b>Notice</b>: Undefined index: autologin in\[/code\] error. in my .php file I have \[code\]$check_autologin = $_POST['autologin'];\[/code\] And I am checking is user checked it \[code\]if($check_autologin == 1) { $password_hash = $encrypted_mypassword; setcookie ($cookie_name, 'usr='.$username.'&hash='.$password_hash, time() + $cookie_time); }\[/code\]and this is my check box field \[code\]<input type="checkbox" name="autologin" value="">Remember Me<br />\[/code\]How could check box can return any default value if it is not checked?