Cheap AdSpace Available.


Staff member
Adspace s available at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->!

Prices as followed:
- 468x60 sitewide Top Banner (Located at the very top)
$2/monthly unlimited clicks.
10 banners in rotation. 6 spaces available.

- 125x125 Bottom Side Square (Located on the side)
$1/monthly months unlmited clicks.
10 banners in rotation. 9 spaces available.

- 468x60 Forumwide Top Banner (Located at the very top of forums)
$20/monthly, unlimited clicks, NO BANNER ROTATION!.

- 468x60 Forumwide Bottom Banner (Located at the very top)
$5/monthly, unlimited clicks, NO BANNER ROTATON!.

I can only accept payments through paypal.

If you would like to purchase adspace please send me a private messege, or use our contact form that is located on the website.