Chatbox help!(Must read)


New Member
Okay i have i believe is cyb 2.3 I have attached a Picture(Figure 1)
and i want it to be Figure 2(pic)
How do i get it to be like that do i have to download a different chatbox or what.
And i also want it to show/tell when some1 last posted you Know(Try looking at Figure 2)
Thanks For Whoever helps
Figure 1

Figure 2
The bottom shoutbox is the Inferno Shoutbox m8, its a different kind as the Cyb Chatbox.

You need to install the Inferno Shoutbox v2.5.4 (I thtink thats the latest version) and install that instead m8.
omg wat happened i put the chatbox on and i think it caused sever lock or something bc i couldnt get on the site...i really want that chatbox what should i do.?
and p.s. when i did install it it told me i need to wite 0066 not 0077 wats that about.?
What have you done? :D

Okay then, maybe it is better to send me a PM on your site's address for me to personally look on what had happened, maybe I could offer a little help.