Characters Method not Capturing all Data for Element - SAX Parser - Java


New Member
I am parsing an XML document using the SAX parser. I am using the characters method to capture the data provided between two element tags, accounting for the fact that the data will be provided in chunks :\[code\]StringBuilder currentText = new StringBuilder();...public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) { if (currentText!=null) { for (int i=start; i<start+length; i++) { currentText.append(ch); }\[/code\]Then in the endElement method I am using :\[code\]public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { System.out.println("Current Text is " + currentText.toString()); currentText.setLength(0);\[/code\]}The problem is that when I look in the log, currentText is not capturing the entire contents of some of the larger data fields in the XML.Does anyone know why this could be happening ?Thank you.