im here with a nasty question.Drupal handle comments giving the user the choice to display thems just in 4 ways: \[code\]Flat list - collapsed\[/code\], \[code\]Flat list - expanded\[/code\], \[code\]Threaded list - collapsed\[/code\], and \[code\]Threaded list - expanded\[/code\].Im using the last one, whom provide a markup like:\[code\]<div class="comment"> <!-- comment's content --></div><div class="indented"> <!-- next comment is an 'answer' to the previous comment! --> <div class="comment"> <!-- comment's content --> </div></div>\[/code\]But i would like to have the 'children' comment inside the same dom element of the 'parent' comment.So, for example, something like:\[code\]<div class="comment"> <!-- comment's content --> <div class="indented"> <!-- next comment is an 'answer' to the previous comment! --> <div class="comment"> <!-- comment's content --> </div> </div></div>\[/code\]in order to have a markup that allow me to show the threaded comments as this blog (using wordpress) does.It use a markup like:\[code\]<ul> <li> <div class="comment> <!-- comment's content --> </div> <ul class="children"> <li> <div class="comment> <!-- comment's content --> </div> </li> </ul> </li></ul>\[/code\]So, what is the drupalish way to do that (better if all the changes i need are in the template.php or templating files)?