changing the HTML returned from server

This is my first post, so apologies if this is a stupid question<br />
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I have a form - which I didn't develop - which sends info to a server via CGI which then returns the relevant data as a table of values. There are six fields returned. I want to be able to have one of my trainee employees use the form, but I don't want him to see two of the fields that are returned.<br />
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Is there any way of "intercepting" the HTML that comes back from the server before it generates the table and use it to create a different table, without the two fields in question .<br />
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Told you it was a stupid question.<br />
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Regards<br />
Rob<!--content-->A simpler method to hide stuff (if it's already at the client) would of cource be to use CSS {display:none;}.<br />
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Of cource he could still see it if he does a source view, but he can do that with the JS trick too.<!--content-->You might have a redirect option in your CGI script which would let you do <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="">. Another way would be to put type="hidden" in the text tags you don't want him to see. If they are not text tags, and you have a CSS script, put display:none; or visiblility:hidden; but visiblity:hidden; will leave a space where the element should be but nothing will be there.:)<!--content-->Thanks to those who replied.<br />
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I've been trying Dave's suggestion of hiding the output from the server in an IFRAME. I've done that, but how do I get at the source code behind it in order to parse it ? I've put the IFRAME in a form, name "f" and named the IFRAME "g". I've tried variations on var strhtml=document.f.g.various to try to retrieve the source code as a string, but without success. <br />
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How should I be doing it ?<br />
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One of the other replies mentions the CGI script, which I know nothing about. If I want to see the POST string being sent to the server, is there a way of doing this ?<br />
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Thanks<br />
Rob<!--content-->Dave<br />
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thanks for that. It works fine when I use an example page from the server, saved as an html.document and put in the src="" attribute of the <iframe>. But when I did it for real, requesting data from the server and using the <iframe> as the target for the results, when I try to get the HTML I get an error message, saying Access Denied, even though I can right-click on it and select View Source to see the code.<br />
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Any ideas as to why I get the error message and how I can work around it ?<br />
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Another thing I thought of was trying to use Javascript to highlight and select the text. I've seen this done using ordinary text in a <textarea>, but can't get it to work with an <iframe>. Can it be done this way ?<br />
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Thanks again for your help. I think I'm getting there slowly.<!--content-->Dave<br />
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I did read your caveat, but must admit I didn't fully understand it.<br />
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The HTML page that contains/submits the form to the server is the same page that the results from the server are sent back to, into the <IFRAME> that you suggested.<br />
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The Javascript that I'm using to get at the HTML is also on the same page, called from a button below the <IFRAME>.<br />
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Is this what you mean by the same domain ?<br />
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Regards<br />
Rob<!--content-->The page that contains the form isn't a web page, it's on the company computers. The name of the page is fares.html.<br />
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The website which the page addresses is, say, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. />
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Regards<br />
Rob<!--content-->OK, I understand what you mean about cross-domain scripting now. I'll have to think of some other way of doing what I want.<br />
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Thanks<br />