changing the body but nothing else


I have a question that seems more tricky to explain than get an answer. I have a website that is 3 tables in height. with 3 columns wide (200px - 600px - 200) each table. Now the top table is a header the bottom is the footer and the far left of the middle table is the nav bar, these i do not want to refresh when someone clicks on a navigation bar to another part of the site. If your on the home page, and you click the pictures navigation bar, then i would like ONLY the body or (middle cell of the middle table to change). I don't know if you can do this without using Frames, which i do not know how to program.<br />
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Is it possible and how? The nav bar for say pictures would be of course pictures.htm (can i change that to pictures.txt or php and have that take that middle cell <td> and replace it with the pictures information?<br />
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:confused: Anthony<!--content-->no it isnt possible without frames...unless you use javascript, but its really pointless and not very productive. it has to reload the whole page, navigation and all<!--content-->Have you considered using server-side includes? You'd have to ask if your webhost will allow them, of course. Some won't, but Entimp did a couple of tutorials on them here:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=25590</a><!-- m --><br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=25616</a><!-- m --><br />
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Basically what you do is divide the page into sections and create a page for each section. I'm working on redoing my site like that now and the majority of my html pages look like this:<br />
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<html><br />
<!--#include virtual="../folder/header.asp" --><br />
<!--#include virtual="../folder/nav.asp" --><br />
<!--#include virtual="../folder/content.asp" --><br />
</html><br />
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To add a footer, just add one more line to indicate the addition. It's not hard. <sigh> Just time consuming doing the first few pages. I'm not sure if you'd consider it "cheating" or not, but I did the first page up in Dreamweaver, adding comments on where I wanted the section breaks to start and stop. Then I went from "section start" to "section end", copied the information to SimpleText and saved it as an .asp file. Those were my basic 'template' pages and I just changed what was needed to make different header, navigation and content pages. Didn't even need Dreamweaver after that. I did something like 30 pages in a few hours, just 'cut and paste' the information from the old pages. <br />
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Adding new pages will be even easier because I can save my original files as "file.asp", create a main page for them using the above template, and change the appropriate nav page to reflect the addition. <br />
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That's about the only way I can see to get around having to change entire pages.<br />
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Peg<!--content-->Yes i was working on developing the server side includes currently but my main objective is to NOT refresh (reload) the page at all.<br />
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I will have a 300+kb movie on the top left -- plus a possible 300+kb movie onmouseover on the top center.<br />
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If i have this and someone clicks on a different page within the website -- it would create more bandwidth and that is what i was trying to avoid.<br />
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See i don't have a problem with creating or altering my work. The issue is that i only want the body to change and keep the rest of the work on the page to stay static. Server Side Includes do Refresh or reload the entire page and i don't want to do that.<br />
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=:O <br />
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Anthony<!--content-->It seems to me like you could use an iFrame for the body, and just change that right?<br />
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Look at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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I was playing with iframes on that site. The Nav bars don't reload, just the content. And, in the players page, the names don't reload either. Just the player info. It's pretty simple...look at the code.<br />
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Aaron<!--content-->You'll definately need an iframe or frames to do that. <br />
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The server-side includes can also be utilised just to save you work when you have the same piece of code on lots of different pages too.<!--content-->Oooo, 600+k of movie per page... a bit high, I think. <shrug> But that's just me.<br />
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Yeah, if you're including something like that, iframes might be the best route to go. Frames can be a royal pain.<br />
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Peg<!--content-->Hey AaronCampbell, giz, Pegasus. I just wanted to say thanks for your answer on the iframe issue. That so far is working wonders and is doing exactly what we all talked about. I haven't found a downfall yet so i must admit that i am happy LOL! -- When i am done with my BASIC haha website i will let you know so you can see.<br />
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Thanks again.<br />
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