I have a site that has a long form. There are some other parts to the site that need to change without resetting that form. I was planning on using an iframe to load the other parts of the page.A sidebar on the page works as navigation. I would like the links in the sidebar to change the urls that the iframes point to, and change the actual url bar. But not reset/reload any of the other iframes.ThanksP.S: I am a complete newbie at JavaScript so full examples would help.here is some of my code:\[code\]<div class="sidebar"><input type="text" placeholder="search for accounts" id="search" /><ul id=sidebar-list> <li class=list> <a onclick="edit-iframe-1" id="username">This will change iframe 1 to point to a user</a> <a onclick="edit-iframe-2" id="username">This will change iframe 2 to point to a user</a> </li> <li class=list> <a onclick="edit-iframe-1" id="username">This will change iframe 1 to have a different user</a> <a onclick="edit-iframe-2" id="username">This will change iframe 2 to have a different user</a> </li></ul></div><div id=iframediv1> <iframe id=iframe1 src="http://stackoverflow.com/path/file?user=username"></iframe></div><div id=iframediv2> <iframe id=iframe2 src="http://stackoverflow.com/path/differentfile?user=username"></iframe></div>\[/code\]The idea is that the list in the sidebar has all the different usernames, and whichever username you click on, it will load the corresponding page. The only part of the url that needs to change is the part after \[code\]?user=\[/code\]