changing property of a field in another form


New Member
i would need to change the value of a different form from a selectlist value in another form... but somehow it doesnt work. at least with IE6 :(

here is the code
<form action="index.php" method="get" name="form1">
<input type='hidden' name='hidden1' value='' >

<form name='form2' action='index.php' method='post'>
<select name='select1' onChange="document.form1.hidden1.value=document.form2.select1.options[selectedIndex].value; ">
<option value='' >value0</option>
<option value='' >value1</option>

there it aboutly is.... IE6 gives error: "'document.form1.hidden1' is either null or not an object"

and from my other tests it seems that the document.form1 marking is ivalid somehow.... so how do i point to a area in another form??????

(i hope u could get something out of my not-so-good-writing ;) )