changing maximised state


i apologise - i'm a newbie to HTML, if i click on a link, how do i make it appear as a smaller "pop-up" window, instead of the standard maximised state. can i pass values back to the orginal page then? thank you!<!--content-->a//<br />
<br />
POPUP<br />
<br />
We've all seen popup windows before, sometimes called interstitials. But did you know<br />
you can actually pre-position where the popup will occur on a page? The positioning of a<br />
popup window is just as important as the window itself. With the help of a little coding,<br />
you can target your popups to where you want it appear on your user's screen. Consider<br />
the following example:<br />
<br />
with a "Click Here" link<br />
<br />
Notice how the window will popup in the middle? This is done with attributes in the Script<br />
tag! Check out this code example: <br />
<A HREF="javascript:void(0)" ONCLICK="'','miniwin',<br />
'toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0,<br />
width=300,height=170,screenX=300,screenY=400,top=300,left=400')">Click Here</a><br />
<br />
Note that we use two sets of attributes to determine placement. "X" and "Y" coordinates<br />
are for Netscape, while "top" and "left" are for Explorer. <br />
<br />
b//<br />
In the pop up a<br />
CLOSE Button<br />
<br />
Adding a "close window button"<br />
The close window button is nice to offer the reader. It can be in the form of a button,<br />
image, or a text link. <br />
Button link:<br />
<br> <center><form><input TYPE="button" VALUE="Sluit Venster"<br />
onClick="window.close()"></form><br />
</center> <BR><br />
Text link: <a href="javascript:window.close()"><B>CLOSE WINDOW</B></a><br />
<BR><br />
Image link: <a href="javascript:window.close()"><IMG SRC="closeme.gif" BORDER=0<br />
ALT="CLOSE ME"></a><br />
<br />
<br />
If you see here "java script" with a space in the code, remove the space.<br />
And: the code has to be on ONE line, no breaks or enters.<br />
Or you will get an error.<br />
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