Changing Index title will affect SERP ?


New Member
So, here is my question, if i add my index title/ description with a new words (previous one i didn't delete it, just add new words), Will it makes a change my "already" done keyword at search engine ?

If so, How long will it come back to "before" position ? It will certainly affect your existing rankings if you make any change in your existing keywords' density and proximity. However, it would be back on normal positions if you have already done good work on those keywords. i don't think it will affect it that negatively or possibly not since you didn't remove anything you just a kw.. Quote: Originally Posted by bogs i don't think it will affect it that negatively or possibly not since you didn't remove anything you just a kw.. ya I mean that, i didn't remove anything at meta description, just add more words into it, so i can reach more keywords, So will it affect my rank position ?

Or, any others opinion which has experience at this ?

need to know before im changing my index title In my opinion, it would not effect your serps as in get worse. Once and awhile i tweak mine and i don't really see much different in serps. (Just trying to get ranked for that new keyword high is the issue because i was not using that keyword to much in previous link building campaigns)

If you rewrote the whole title as in pretty much change every word, then you'll be in trouble. Me, i've removed 2 words, added 1 word, removed that one word...etc in the past and jumped up and down a few times but never off the current page i was ranking high to begin with.

:disclaimer: I'm not a SEO expert just giving advice from experience, the title does matter for the SERP. The description will not affect the result only serves to invite people to your page / website. Think carefully about adjusting the data. Tip: You can also H1 tag of your page. it wont affect in that harsh way, but there would be slight change in your rankings, but soon it will be back in previous positions In the unlikely event that it negatively affects your ranking in the short term, I imagine the reason you're changing it is because, in the long term, you want to rank higher. Make the change and see what happens. This trial and error approach to testing is good SEO practise. That will definitely affect SEPR. I wouldn't do it unless is it absolutely necessary. I changed the main titles and key words on one of our business sites recently just to reflect a change in the nature of the business, and while a lot of the content remained the same, it was just the site name, and the tags for the home page which changed, they did change quite radically and we dropped a lot for the old keywords while appearing for the new quite quickly. Considering content has not changed, I was surprised. Quote: Originally Posted by WebDesignerLondon In the unlikely event that it negatively affects your ranking in the short term, I imagine the reason you're changing it is because, in the long term, you want to rank higher. Make the change and see what happens. This trial and error approach to testing is good SEO practise. you say what i want to do, haha

ya, because title Is the most highest point (in my opinion) to affect SERP.
SO I really want to consider the change my title, and before I do that, I want to know the effect first , thanks for all of your answer I firmly believe that changing your index title tag, even if it is just to add one more keyword, will drop you in the SERPS.

So to me the questions are:

a. How long until I get back up?
b. How much of a drop will it be?

I guess this is totally relative to what your site is, how it's currently ranked, and how you change it.

I've changed index title tags over the last few years, and I have always experienced a drop. For some of these sites, it only took a few months to get back up. For other sites, it took more than a year. Don't think so,Google dance might take place for some time,but you'll be alright in a few days,and you'll rank for other keywords.