Changing frame without loading new page?


Hey guys, I have a site with a frame in the middle. I want to make it so when they click on a link the frame in the middle changes to the content I assigned for that link rather then loading a whole new page with different things in the middle frame. How can I achieve this? Thanks!<!--content-->I dont work much with frames. But my idea...<br />
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In the frame tag, include something like... <br />
<br />
name="_frame"<br />
<br />
and then in the link tags, make it like..<br />
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<a href="blah.html" target="_frame"><!--content-->Very correct...<br />
In the frameset html... make sure you give your frame a name like mentioned above.<br />
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If you have links in the intial frameset page they will have to be targeted to the name of that page like above.<br />
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But if you link lie in the html of the frame then you can just use this target="_self" and it will work for that frame regardless of the name....<br />
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you might find these handy to<br />
target="_parent" changes the frameset that the frame lies in<br />
<br />
target="_blank" opens a new window<!--content-->