New Member
I have a WCF service that will be accepting multiple requests (service calls) (singleton) at the same time. I'm creating a function that needs to get data from a different SQL Server using a different connection string. I can change the connection string dynamically in code, but once I save the connection, the other connected clients are going to use that temporarily changed connection string path and get the wrong data. Is there a way where a single client/call/instance in WCF can use a specific connection string while rest of the system/users use the main connection string? The function is a maintenance function that needs to call data from different database and make sure everything is working. I need an instance/call/request based connection string, not whole system wide connection string. The reason why I'm doing it because the maintenance call uses extensive system code to get the answer and I don't want to change all the codes to use a specific connection string (like boolean value (use main connection or temporary connection).