changing calendar month with javascript


Hi all,

I have a calendar screen where i dynamicly create javascript codes which when some object get clicked calendar month or selected date changes. Is there a code that i can use to make the calendar change to a different month.

right now when i try going over an other month button i get javascript:__doPostBack('ListCalendar','V2131') link for the next month.
I dont know how to calculate this v2131 thing by using a month that i want o go.
I can find a way to make the javascript button to click on the calendars month button
But i need is not next month maybe some other month thats coming up. So when the click action happens on object, it will change the month.
Please help. Thank youThe V number is the difference in days from 1/1/2000. So 1/1/2001 would be "v365" and 1/1/1999 would be "v-365". So, you can hook a JS function to the onclick event of a button that will calculate the difference in days of the desired date and 1/1/2000, then call this method with the right V value __doPostBack('ListCalendar','V2131'). Good luck.

PS. I believe the "v" represents days and there are other characters which represent other units like months.Thanks for the reply.
I actually found the easy way to do it. I return the date i want to show in a hidden input. Then i assign the calendars visibledate to that date. it works like a charm. i would suggest using it. Because the good part about it is now i can a request to the web page get that dates data. Thanks for the response tho.

The V number is the difference in days from 1/1/2000. So 1/1/2001 would be "v365" and 1/1/1999 would be "v-365". So, you can hook a JS function to the onclick event of a button that will calculate the difference in days of the desired date and 1/1/2000, then call this method with the right V value __doPostBack('ListCalendar','V2131'). Good luck.

PS. I believe the "v" represents days and there are other characters which represent other units like months.Yeah, that sounds like an easier way to do it. Cool.