changin the font color for a div that is inside a span?


New Member
i have a jquery menu and this is the css style \[code\]ul.sdt_menu li span span.sdt_link,ul.sdt_menu li span span.sdt_descr,ul.sdt_menu li div.sdt_box a{ margin-left:15px; text-transform:uppercase; text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #000; font-family:"arial black";\[/code\]the sdt link is the menu box but when hover the box drops down two divsthe sdt descrb is a picture that enlargesbut the sdt box a is the last box that i want to stylebecause its black any text in there doesnt display also these arial black doesnt affect it eitherhow can i style only this box because when i try this it doesnt work\[code\] ul.sdt_menu li div.sdt_box a{font-family:"arial black";color: yellow; }\[/code\]