case 1: I want to change visibility on a layer on a page but the problem is that i have to call the action from a page that is included into the page where the layer is. the thing that messes it all up is that the included page is included into an iframe and i can't figure out how to get the "show" request sent to the page where the layer is located.
case 2: right now i have tried to place the layer in the page included into the iframe but when i do that it won't show more of the layer than the size of the iframe and the layer content is larger than that.
to my questions:
case 1: how do i change visibility on a layer with code from another page than the page with the layer on?
case 2: how do i get the layer to show on top of the iframe that the page with the layer is included into?
link to case 2: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
click the magnifier and youll understand the problem in case 2.

case 2: right now i have tried to place the layer in the page included into the iframe but when i do that it won't show more of the layer than the size of the iframe and the layer content is larger than that.
to my questions:
case 1: how do i change visibility on a layer with code from another page than the page with the layer on?
case 2: how do i get the layer to show on top of the iframe that the page with the layer is included into?
link to case 2: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
click the magnifier and youll understand the problem in case 2.