Change Umask Of A Directory?


I have a directory that I allow users to upload stuff to with a java ftp applet, but I want all their files to be uploaded with certain permissions so that a cron script of mine can come by later and resize their images. The script works, the ftp works, but the script fails on any files they upload because of permission issues. Is there a way I can change the umask on this directory so that when files are uploaded with the ftp applet, they are accessable later on by my script without me manually going in and chmod'ing everything after the fact?<br /><br /> to get a glimpse of what I've built using this.<br /><br />Thanks<!--content-->
You have probably already looked for this solution but have you checked if the applet allows you to change the permissions after uploading the file?<br /><br />That's the only way I can think of, because, at least as far as I know, there's no way of changing the umask of files or directories <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad.gif" /><!--content-->
Yeah, I have emailed the makers of the applet at Jscape ( and they have told me its not possible with the applet. I guess I'd have to set the umask of the individual ftp user that is logging in through the ftp applet, so that any new directories created by that ftp user get created with certain permissions. Is it possible to change the umask of ftp users created through cpanel?<!--content-->
I don't think that's possible either but submit a help desk ticket explaining your situation and perhaps the techs have a solution for your problem.<!--content-->