I need to change the where the js inserts the text into the html currently it is always putting at the end and I need it to insert it at the start and push the others down. That is, if it inserts \[code\]<li>1</li>, <li>2</li>, <li>3</li> \[/code\]it will keep it in that order I need the last one to always be listed first like \[code\]<li>3</li>, <li>2</li>, <li>1</li>\[/code\]Here is the html\[code\]<div class="data"> <div class="stackleft" id="p1_stack"></div> <div class="stackright" id="p2_stack"></div></div>\[/code\]Here is the JavaScript\[code\]function drawStack(isFinal) { var stackLength = Oscore[currentPlayer].stack.length; var temp = ""; var tot = 0; for (var i = 0; i < stackLength; i++) { var val = Oscore[currentPlayer].stack; temp += "<li>" + val + "</li>"; tot += val; } //if(!isFinal){ //temp = '<div class="workingScore">'+scoreTemp+'</div><br>' + temp; //} var writeSore = document.form1.game.value - tot; writeit(writeSore, currentPlayer + "_score"); writeit(temp, currentPlayer + "_stack");}\[/code\]