Change rendered html


New Member
I have a dll thats rendering a div at the top of my page and I need to remove. Is it possible to edit the html that is about to be rendered, so that i can remove the div from the html before its displayed:\[code\]protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer){ // setup a TextWriter to capture the markup TextWriter tw = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(tw); // render the markup into our surrogate TextWriter base.Render(htw); // get the captured markup as a string string pageSource = tw.ToString(); // render the markup into the output stream verbatim writer.Write(pageSource); // remove the viewstate field from the captured markup //string viewStateRemoved = Regex.Replace(pageSource, // "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"__VIEWSTATE\" id=\"__VIEWSTATE\" value=".*?\" />", // "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); // the page source, without the viewstate field, is in viewStateRemoved // do what you like with it}\[/code\]