Change permissions for all vb files to default


New Member
Hey guys

i mistakely chaned the whole forum and subdirectories and files into chmod 777...can you please tell me how to put aeverything to default chmods

or is there like a list i can follow and chmod everything back to default manually

Folders: chmod 755
Files: chmod 644

ajax.php chmod 777

If you have ipbarcade chmod arcade folder 777
Folders inside arcade chmod 777
Files inside arcade chmod 644
thanks :)

btw if all my files and folders are 777 and i have a original vb or atleast the one that uses the keygen am i safe>
755 sorry about that!

As to using a non nulled script with or without a keygen in my opinion is a bad idea, If you havent modded your board much I suggest you d/l a nulled script and replace!