I have created a WCF 3.5 application with a method named \[code\]TestMe\[/code\] as defined below:\[code\] [OperationContract] [WebInvoke(UriTemplate = "/Login", Method = "POST", BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)] MyDictionary<string, string> TestMe(string param1, string param2);\[/code\]\[code\]MyDictionary\[/code\] is created using this link: http://stackoverflow.com/a/7590189/546033Everything here works fine. But the problem is when returning the data from the implemented method below:\[code\]MyDictionary<string, string> success = new MyDictionary<string, string>();success["desc"] = "Test";return success;\[/code\]it returns following json: \[code\]{"TestMeResult":{"desc":"Test"}}\[/code\]while what i need is:\[code\]{"success":{"desc":"Test"}}\[/code\]where \[code\]success\[/code\] is the object name. What can be the workaround for this?