Change Forum Default Font


New Member

I want to make the forum default font Trebuchet Ms. how do i do this?

i searched the forums and there is no topic on this. Thank you
This is a big issue to me, in order to display the font you want, both side the server and the client computer need to have the desire font installed. On the server side that is your host should support the type of font especially True Type Font, you have to compile it in the PHP script configuration, after you install it the client computer should see it if you install the popular font such as Arial, Verdana....but if you choose the rare font then your client need to download it in order to see it.

You can try this way first:

Go to ACP--> Style manage-->All Style option-->scroll down to find the option where you want the font to change.

Thats all I know about font install, maybe anyone come out a better idea?