Change Font?


How would you change your font text, like from Times New Roman to Brooklyn Kid? I am a newbie....please help me!:confused:<!--content-->if you want to do it programattically or in html then use<br />
css<br />
font-family property<br />
<br />
ele you could do that on the browsers settings as well<!--content-->well to have a section of font be different you would use <font face="thefont">the text</font> But if its a font like the one you mentioned most people do not have that font on their computer so you would need to provide alternates for us.<!--content-->You can do it on the fly like this:<br />
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<P style="font-family:Brooklyn Kid, Times, serif">whatever... </p><br />
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First choice of font would be Brooklyn Kid. If it's not available, next choice will be Times. Last choice will be serif.<!--content-->That should be <P style="font-family:'Brooklyn Kid', Times, serif">whatever... </P>.<!--content-->you can also say <font face="font1,font2,font3">bla bla bla</font> or you can go ahead and use a class in your head<br />
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<style type="text/css"><br />
.font <br />
{<br />
color: #ffffff; <br />
font-size: 10px; <br />
font-family: micrsoft sans serif, otherfont, otherfont<br />
}<br />
</style><br />
<br />
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and say <p class="font">the text</p><br />
oh wow we have succesfully discovered many ways to acheive the same affect. Did we miss any?<!--content-->Originally posted by PeOfEo <br />
<font face="font1,font2,font3">bla bla bla</font> The FONT element was depricated, that is to say we were officially asked to not use it, back in 1997.<!--content-->But it still works, and many people still use it. I dont understand why it was phased out, whats wrong with it why do they want you to use css for that?<!--content-->Originally posted by PeOfEo <br />
I don[']t understand why it was phased out, whats wrong with it why do they want you to use css for that? So that we could have web pages that work on all browsers. Suppose you want to indicate that some text is "a fragment of computer code." <font face="monospace">print "Hello, World!\n"</font>. That works fine on a graphical browser and is valid in HTML 3.2 (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->). But important information is lost on non-graphical browsers such as text-only, audio and Braille browsers. HTML 4.01 (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) depricated pretty much everything related strictly to presentation. The idea is for you to mark up that example thusly <code>print "Hello, World!\n"</code>. And if you like, you can control the font of you CODE elements with CSS, code {font-family:'Andale Mono', monospace}. Now some people, and WYSIWYGs, try to get away with <span style="font-family:'Andale Mono', monospace">print "Hello, World!\n"</span> essentially aping the FONT element. While this is strictly speaking valid HTML 4.01 it violates the spirit of the specification. And it won't work on older browsers that do not understand CSS and it will not work on non-graphical browsers.<!--content-->So its for the lynx people eh. I get it. But why must you pick on my punctuation? :(<!--content-->Originally posted by PeOfEo <br />
So its for the [L]ynx people eh. I get it.More importantly, it's for the users of Braille and audio browsers.<!--content-->Now you are picking on my capitalization. :mad: Next it will be spelling or typos I bet!<!--content-->Now some people, and WYSIWYGs, try to get away with <span style="font-family:'Andale Mono', monospace">print "Hello, World!\n"</span> essentially aping the FONT element.<br />
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I code solely with Notepad, but I do with div's what you said not to do with span's. Is that OK or is that bad as well. If it is wrong, would it be OK to use headers (<h1>, <h2>, etc.).<!--content-->When I see divs and spans they are genarally with css in the layout. Thats the only place I use them. Speaking of which can someone look at my thread on resizing on the css forum and shed some light onto how to solve my problem? I am thinking it is going to mean changing the background on my sample page a bunch which I dont want to do.<!--content-->That should be <P style="font-family:'Brooklyn Kid', Times, serif">whatever... </P>.<br />
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Oops. Thanks for the ' correction, Charles.<br />
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