New Member
I have an \[code\]HTML\[/code\] generated from a web service which I cannot control. The \[code\]HTML\[/code\] has font sizes in \[code\]px\[/code\] and \[code\]pt\[/code\]. My requirement is changing all font-sizes to \[code\]em\[/code\]. This is what I tried :I tried to access all \[code\]<font>\[/code\] tags using :\[code\]document.getElementByTagName('font').style.fontSize;\[/code\]However, it is returning \[code\]null\[/code\] even though I have many font tags in \[code\]HTML\[/code\].All relevant sources I read assume we have control over \[code\]CSS\[/code\] or \[code\]HTML\[/code\] and hence do not apply to my problem.In short, I want to parse the \[code\]HTML\[/code\] and find all inline style (font-size) and change from any other type to \[code\]em\[/code\].