I have implementing feed parsing & get the content as a string. Now, I am making html file through it programetically. Load that HTML in the Web view. My web View is the subview in Table View cell.
But Now i want to change the font size of web view content, so the user can see some detail .My code for HTML generation is:\[quote\]\[code\]NSString * postHTML=[[_parseResults objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]valueForKey"summary"]; NSString *close =[NSString stringWithFormat"</body></html>"]; NSString *HTMLString = [NSString stringWithFormat"%@%@", postHTML,close]; [Web_view loadHTMLString:HTMLString baseURL:nil];[cell.contentView addSubview:Web_view];return cell;\[/code\]\[/quote\]How can i change font size of web view content??