Change default appearance of ordered list


Hi,<br />
<br />
Please refer to the html code given below:<br />
<br />
<ol style='font-weight:bold' start=1 type=A><br />
<li><p style='font-weight:normal'>First Sub List</li><br />
<li><p style='font-weight:normal'>Second Sub List</li><br />
<li><p style='font-weight:normal'>Third Sub List</li><br />
<li><p style='font-weight:normal'>Fourth Sub List</li><br />
<li><p style='font-weight:normal'>Fifth Sub List</p></li><br />
</ol><br />
<br />
The above code produces the following output:<br />
<br />
A.First Sub List <br />
B.Second Sub List <br />
C.Third Sub List <br />
D.Fourth Sub List <br />
E.Fifth Sub List<br />
<br />
My requirement is to generate the following output using ordered lists:<br />
<br />
(A)First Sub List <br />
(B)Second Sub List <br />
(C)Third Sub List <br />
(D)Fourth Sub List <br />
(E)Fifth Sub List<br />
<br />
Note that the bullets are enclosed within braces instead of the default dots.<br />
<br />
Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.<br />
Thanxs in advance.<!--content-->you will need to use javascript to accomplish this feet. not sure if it works but seems like it aught to:<br />
<br />
<html><br />
<head><br />
<style type="text/css"><br />
ol.upperBracket { counter-reset: item 3 }<br />
li.upperBracket:before {<br />
content: "[" counter(item, upper-alpha) "] ";<br />
counter-increment: item }<br />
</style><br />
</head><br />
<body><br />
<ol class=upperBracket><br />
<li class=upperBracket>item one</li><br />
<li class=upperBracket>item two</li><br />
<li class=upperBracket>item three</li><br />
</ol><br />
</body><br />
</html><!--content-->Thanxs.<br />
<br />
But the code does not produce the required output.<!--content-->You can eliminate the need for JavaScript by using CSS to spruce up the ordered list.<br />
<br />
Check out this article: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
By the way, you could just use a table of something similar to create a numbered list...<br />
<br />
Regards,<br />
Andrew Buntine.<!--content-->