change color of radio/checkboxs


Is it possible to change the color of the inside of radio buttons and checkboxs so that the dot and the square are not white? Netscape seems to handle this with CSS but IE 5.5 is ignoring the background-color: #00000 attribute in my CSS and in inline style sheets and inline style tags, any suggestions?<!--content-->From the CSShark (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->):Unfortunately, the styling of radio buttons, check boxes and the border of select boxes is not (yet) supported by browsers - but NN6.2 shows that these features will be supported in the future. Actually, that whole page might be worth a read given your other form "problem". I know it refers more to the problems with NN 4.xx, but some of it's applicable to Netscape 7 v IE 6 as well.<br />
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Neil<!--content-->I will check it out thank you :)<!--content-->