Change color and number onclick of a div


New Member
I'd like to change a color and number of a html element on click of a div. For example, when you click \[code\]up-arrow\[/code\] the number changes from 4 to 5 and the color changes as well.\[code\]initial state\[/code\] ↑ 4 ↓ \[code\]upvoted\[/code\] ↑ 5 ↓ \[code\]down voted\[/code\] ↑ 3 ↓ here's what I have so far.
I know how to change the color of a div on click, however I don't know how to change the color of a div from an onclick of a different div. And then on top of that add the +1 or -1. user:uneducatedguy just asked this same question however he deleted it because people were making fun of him since he called it a fiddle in stead of a jsfiddle.