CGI message limiter

I want a limit on a message (let's say 250 char.) in CGI (yes, I know how do it with the <input> tag but you can Download that page and changes the settings and the post a non char. limited message)

How can I do this?Make sure to set the limit in the input tag, maybe something like this (PERL):

if ($comments =~ m/.{251,}/) {&Dowhatever;}

change $comments to match your form/script and create a subroutine (&Dowhatever) to handle the error.

Give it a try and see if it works.

KevinI ment someting like this (this is the PHP like version... i'm not so into CGI...)

$lastspacepos=strrpos($message,' ');
return substr($message,0,$lastspacepos);

which crops the massage to 255 characters
then skip back to the last space from the 255 characters (so u wont get half words at the end)

(maybe I take a try to port this cgi-script to php) But this one is for a pal of mine...Sorry, my PHP skills are zip-zero-nada.

Kevinwhat I mend was grap the massage crop the message to the first 255 character then skip back to the last white space. (So the last word isn't a half word).

what you gave was"

if the message is bigger then 255 char. then the do the error part handeling.

How? I'm not very familiar with CGI/Perl :)

(The previous message shows a smimilar something in PHp format... it might help you with something)