Okay, here's something weird. I have a Windows server, which I run a website on. I use PHP for my pages, meaning that my pages have a .php extension (nothing fancy, usually just PHP includes).
Anyways, whenever I try to access a page with a .php extension, the following error comes up.
CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.
However, this error does not come up for any other files except those that have a .php extension.
Here's an example of two identical pages, one with a .php extension and one with a .html extension.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.nothinggoldcanstay.com/new/header.html">http://www.nothinggoldcanstay.com/new/header.html</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.nothinggoldcanstay.com/new/header.php">http://www.nothinggoldcanstay.com/new/header.php</a><!-- m -->
The oddest thing of all, is the fact that I don't use any CGI files at all.Originally posted by sharpdust
Okay, here's something weird. I have a Windows server, which I run a website on. I use PHP for my pages, meaning that my pages have a .php extension (nothing fancy, usually just PHP includes).
Anyways, whenever I try to access a page with a .php extension, the following error comes up.
CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.
However, this error does not come up for any other files except those that have a .php extension.
Here's an example of two identical pages, one with a .php extension and one with a .html extension.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.nothinggoldcanstay.com/new/header.html">http://www.nothinggoldcanstay.com/new/header.html</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.nothinggoldcanstay.com/new/header.php">http://www.nothinggoldcanstay.com/new/header.php</a><!-- m -->
The oddest thing of all, is the fact that I don't use any CGI files at all.
You probably mean you don't use any perl scripts at all.CGI = Common Gateway Interface...not language specific.Anyways...since it's on windows,is php by any chance installed as a CGI binary instead of a module?if so...you may want to double check your installationit is actually the php code that is making php crash. look over the code and see what you did.
Anyways, whenever I try to access a page with a .php extension, the following error comes up.
CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.
However, this error does not come up for any other files except those that have a .php extension.
Here's an example of two identical pages, one with a .php extension and one with a .html extension.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.nothinggoldcanstay.com/new/header.html">http://www.nothinggoldcanstay.com/new/header.html</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.nothinggoldcanstay.com/new/header.php">http://www.nothinggoldcanstay.com/new/header.php</a><!-- m -->
The oddest thing of all, is the fact that I don't use any CGI files at all.Originally posted by sharpdust
Okay, here's something weird. I have a Windows server, which I run a website on. I use PHP for my pages, meaning that my pages have a .php extension (nothing fancy, usually just PHP includes).
Anyways, whenever I try to access a page with a .php extension, the following error comes up.
CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.
However, this error does not come up for any other files except those that have a .php extension.
Here's an example of two identical pages, one with a .php extension and one with a .html extension.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.nothinggoldcanstay.com/new/header.html">http://www.nothinggoldcanstay.com/new/header.html</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.nothinggoldcanstay.com/new/header.php">http://www.nothinggoldcanstay.com/new/header.php</a><!-- m -->
The oddest thing of all, is the fact that I don't use any CGI files at all.
You probably mean you don't use any perl scripts at all.CGI = Common Gateway Interface...not language specific.Anyways...since it's on windows,is php by any chance installed as a CGI binary instead of a module?if so...you may want to double check your installationit is actually the php code that is making php crash. look over the code and see what you did.