CeoFox - Ultimate Search 3.0.2 For phpFox 3.x - Nulled


New Member

Ultimate search for phpFox is a powerful plugin for searching in phpfox community, support many modules such as user, blog, page, etc. Just write down some key and ajax result will display right at search box in quick seach or show full results in full page search. Your users can reach others very fast just left some keys on Ultimate search.

A. Compatibility:

Work with phpFox version 3.0
Work nice with almost modern browser like Opera, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer

B. Features:

1. Front End:

Quick Search with beautiful style and ajax methods help increase searching speed.
Support many modules of phpFox such as user, page, event, etc.
Full page search which display all of result about search.

2. Back End:

Manage modules for searching, enable or disable module you want in settings
Setting number of records will be shown when searching.

C. Note:

If you have any problems with this plugin please send us via email [email protected].

