Centralized pages


Thank you very much for the solution given so far. I tried the CSS codes given and I really have my pages centralised but contents of the pages scartered. The page was fully centralised but all other contents of the page lost shape<br />
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Thanks for the help so far as I await further help from you all<br />
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Gertrude<!--content-->Originally posted by gukwuma <br />
I tried the CSS codes given and I really have my pages centralised but contents of the pages scartered.<br />
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As a result of poor browser support this becomes tricky. I recently researched it for something I needed to do. CSS is the correct way to go about it but be warned, if you’re looking for a stable cross browser method it becomes tricky. Margin widths is the proper CSS way to do it, but it falls over in several browsers.<br />
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The official line is: "Authors sometimes fail to recognize that CSS is precise in separating formatting of block level vs. inline elements. For example, the text-align: property is meant to center inline text or other inline content, not to center an entire block (notwithstanding some incorrect implementations of this property by some popular browsers)."<br />
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There is good text (and browser test results) available on the subject in a couple of the following links:<br />
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I settled for this method as it suited what I needed to do:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.bluerobot.com/web/css/center1.html">http://www.bluerobot.com/web/css/center1.html</a><!-- m --><br />
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Two excellent articles here:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://theodorakis.net/blockcenter.html">http://theodorakis.net/blockcenter.html</a><!-- m --><br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://theodorakis.net/tablecentertest.html">http://theodorakis.net/tablecentertest.html</a><!-- m --><br />
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Web design for designers article here:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.wpdfd.com/editorial/wpd0103.htm#toptip">http://www.wpdfd.com/editorial/wpd0103.htm#toptip</a><!-- m --><br />
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Hope the links help. ;) After viewing the articles you may see what I mean about a stable cross browser method.<!--content-->huh?? did I miss something ? what comments? from where? and what are you trying to do and what is the URL<!--content-->Originally posted by scoutt <br />
huh?? did I miss something ? what comments? from where? and what are you trying to do and what is the URL <br />
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I know what u mean, I was equally as confused. :confused: I'm assuming what gukwuma has posted may be a continuation of this thread (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.php?threadid=23854">http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.php?threadid=23854</a><!-- m -->). He/she should have been more detailed with the question!<!--content-->ahh yes, but they never said if it worked or what code they are using.<!--content-->heya brummy, <br />
the method you settled for excludes ie 5.x, although i'm quite happy to ignore nn4 i don't think i would ie5.x, yep css is very precise when it comes to inline and block level elements, but remember you can change how one of these is displayed with display:block; or display:inline;<br />
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gukwuma do you have a url?<!--content-->Originally posted by leoo24 <br />
heya brummy, <br />
the method you settled for excludes ie 5.x, although i'm quite happy to ignore nn4 i don't think i would ie5.x,<br />
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Huh! We must be reading or testing it very differently then, cos' the one I settled for is a CSS workaround specifically geared to overcoming the problem in IE5.xx/Win. I'd never overlook IE5.xx, NN4.xx yeah, but jeeze not IE5.xx. <br />
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I'm viewing it in IE5.5 now. IE5.xx, Moz, NN6.xx + etc, always centre. I found it was the most stable cross browser method. <br />
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"IE5/Win incorrectly applies the CSS 'text-align' attribute to block-level elements. Declaring "text-align:center" for the containing block-level element (often the BODY element) horizontally centers the box in IE5/Win." Then u specifically 'text-align: left' paragraphs and other stuff.<!--content-->you're right, sorry i misread it :)<!--content-->No worries. ;) After quite extensive research it was the one I found to be most stable in several different browsers.<!--content-->