centering text in text areas

how would I do such a thing?<br />
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I'm reading text from an SQL database into a readonly textarea but would like the text to be centered, unfortunately, I can't use html tags within the textarea...any advice?<!--content-->have you tried using css<br />
textarea {text-align:center;}<br />
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:D<!--content-->...and to elucidate on leoo24's reply.<br />
<br />
.text {text-align:left;}<br />
.text-center {text-align:center;}<br />
<br />
<div class="text">This is your normal paragraph text<div><br />
<div class="text-center">And this text alone is centered</div><br />
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I have tried using <span></span> tags for the second <div> tag in that example, but it doesn't work. <br />
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Gandalf<br />
:D<!--content--><span>'s wont work because they are inline elements, they are only as wide as the content inside.<!--content-->Ah, that makes sense.<!--content-->