Centering a Logo across multiple resolutions


New Member
I have a logo that i am trying to center on a page. Dead center from left to right. The problem that i have been facing is when i view it on different monitor sizes/resolutions it never lines up to be centered. I get it right on one resolution/size and then when i go to work on my smaller monitor it doesn't line up. Does this need to be accomplished with multiple stylesheets or a dynamic theme? I am coding the site in ASP.NET and have themes set up. This can be changed if needed. \[code\]<body><div class="wrap_1"> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <!-- LOGO WRAP STARTS HERE--> <asp:Image SkinID="DefaultLogo" runat="server"/> <div style="background-color: #c5e8ea;" > <!-- TITLE WRAP STARTS HERE--> <div class="wrap"><div> <h1 style="padding-left:2em;">BLAH BLAH BLAH </h1> <h2 style="padding-left:5em;">BLAH BLAH BLAH </h2> <div> <!--CONTROLS --> <ul id="home-menu"> <li> <asp:Button SkinID="Button1" runat="server" PostBackUrl="~/Reinstall.aspx"/> </li> <li> <asp:Button SkinID="Button2" runat="server" PostBackUrl="~/Registration.aspx" /> </li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </form>\[/code\]CSS\[code\].DefaultLogo { margin: auto auto;}.wrap_1 { margin: 0 auto;}.wrap { margin: auto auto;} \[/code\]