I have two columns, one is a jquery masonry grid (dynamic), and one is a separate column for tweets. I want both columns to stay centered as the browser resizes. I'm able to have the masonry grid stay centered as the browser grows/shrinks, however, my tweet column stays to the left, fixed. I'd rather the tweet column move alongside the masonry grid.How can I have both stay centered?\[code\]<div id='homepagecontainer' style="float:right; width:100%; margin-left:-280px;"><div id="tweetaside" style="float:left; margin-left:10px;margin-top:-10px;width:260px;"> <div style="width:250px;"> Long list of Tweets!! </div></div><div id="masonrygrid" style="margin-left:280px;"> <div id="homepagescroll" style="margin: 0 auto;"> <center> Masonry Grid Data </center> </div> </div></div></div>\[/code\]