..Center the Navbar


New Member
I need to center the navbar on a skin I am making, at the moment, it is optimised for resolutions no higher or lower than 1084 x 768.

if It is a higher resolution, the buttons are no longer in the center, if it is a lower resolution, the buttons are on two rows, Please help me vBTEAM.

See images.
I have the same problem with my original style mate. I added tabs like VBTeam, but on some screens, some of the tabs are forced down into the next line.

They are also aligned to the right (Like on VBTeam), and I have tried and tried to get them to align to center, but failed.
try wrapping in:
<center> </center>
its a dirty cheat but works 9/10 times, (I say dirty cheat as styling with css is cleaner) ;)
is not valid for

try adding an id eg:
<div id ="nav_center"> <!-- content --> </div>

and add css to additional css section

something like this:
      margin:0 auto;

you should only ned the highlighted css line but added the rest just incase

You could also try wrapping in a table:

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="center">

<!-- content -->


Have you just moved the navigation section or using a tab script?
Not using a tab script, or have I moved the navigation, Though I think it messed up when I made buttons instead of just text, I'll try what you said :)