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I'm trying to centralise a div (boxTest) within a div which is 100% width and height fixed.below is the code and here's a jsfiddlehtml\[code\] <a href="" class="clickme">CLICK ME</a>\[/code\]jQuery\[code\] $( function() { $(".clickme").click(function() { $('body').append('<div class="videoMask" style="position:fixed; top:0; bottom:0; z-index:14000000; left:0; right:0; width:100%; height:100%; background-color:#000000;"></div><div id="boxTest" style=" width:150px; background:#FFFFFF; position:fixed; top:10px; z-index:15000000; height:150px; margin:0; padding:0;"><span class="closeMe">CLOSE</span></div>'); $('#boxTest').show(); }); $( ".closeMe, .videoMask" ).live('click', function() { $( "#boxTest" ).remove(); $( ".videoMask" ).remove(); }); });\[/code\]P.s the in line styles will be changed, I did it this way to make it a little easier to see on here.Thanks in advance for any responses.?