Center my navbar


New Member
So what I'm trying to do is have my navbar automatically center to anything that's in it.What I want is:
  • Logo all the way on the left (pulled left)
  • Button all the way on the right (pulled right)
  • Search bar directly in the center of the navbar
What I've been having problems with is that the button can have different width (because it's a button where your username is displayed) and this moves the search bar I have making it not centered.Here's my current code:\[code\]<div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top"> <div class="navbar-inner"> <div class="container"> <a class="brand" href=""><img src="" /></a> <div class="nav-collapse collapse"> <div class="span4 offset1"> <form class="navbar-form pull-right"> <div class="input-append"> <input class="span4" id="appendedInputButton" type="text" placeholder="Search..."> <button class="btn" type="button"><i class="icon-search"></i></button> </div> </form> </div> <ul class="nav pull-right"> <a class="button btn-active" href="" style="margin-top:5px" ><span><i class="icon-user"></i> Sign In</span></a> </ul> </div><!--/.nav-collapse --> </div> </div></div>\[/code\]Note:The width of the navbar should be 883px. The rest of the CSS should be Bootstrap's default.Please help!