I already did a few search on this and it made me insane:
Code: http://jsfiddle.net/qhoc/zqYUJ/2/Right now it seems like it is middle align between the bottom of \[code\]input1\[/code\] and \[code\]input\[/code\]Conditions:[*]We know \[code\].input1 input\[/code\] height is \[code\]30px\[/code\][*]I prefer to not specify the height of \[code\]textarea\[/code\] but if we have to, that's less ideal but OK.[*]\[code\].input\[/code\] height and width is already specified in the code.[*]I also prefer not to use jQuery. I don't like "hardcode" the pixel position either because later on, the \[code\]textarea\[/code\] height may change by jQuery depending how much text in it.Help would be appreciate!!!
- I need to make the text "CENTER & MIDDLE THIS" centered in the area below the \[code\]textarea\[/code\] and above the bottom of \[code\].input\[/code\] like this: