cell scrollbars in tables?


was wondering if cells of a table can have scrollbars for text that exceeds it's orignial size?<!--content-->urgrund, welcome :D<br />
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this is totally the wrong forum for this, but no, to do that you would use something called "inline frames," which is a nasty business and isn't very compatible with a lot of browsers. best to try to avoid it as best you can wherever possible, but if you must, use the tag <iframe> like so:<br />
<br />
<iframe src=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"page.html" name="name" width="250" height="150" scrolling="yes"><br />
your archaic browser does not support inline frames. this text will only be seen by those mouth-breathing knuckledraggers who should not be licensed to surf the internet.<br />
</iframe><br />
<br />
you can also specify things like marginwidth, marginheight, and text align (how text wraps next to the iframe).<br />
<br />
hope this helps!<!--content-->You could do the above and/or use a textarea box (changing the background/style to fit your site).<!--content--><td><br />
<div style="width: 50; height:20; overflow-y: scroll"><br />
Four score and seven years ago our forefathers...<br />
</div><br />