CDONTS - Sending Email


I have recently discovered I have CDONTS installed on my server. I don't know much about how I can use this to my advantage...

My main query is...

Is it possible for me to use CDONTS to email members in my database when they receive a new personal message from other members and email newsletters to them about updates etc?

Any help will be extremely appreciated.

Kindest regards,

just do a Google search on CDONTS and you should get some good examples.

note: the emailing newsletters is a bit trickier than the IM's because you can't really schedule an ASP file to run like every once a month or something like that.
The best thing in that case is to make the rollout a part of how you get the newsletter on the web server - be it through an upload or whatever.Hiya Putts, hope your well!

With regards to Newsletters, returning info on google I could not grasp how I could email to more that one email address?

Im also wondering, how it is I could invent a emailing facility along with the ability to receive emails? Im aiming high I know! :)

Tom.You can create a loop loading each member's email address and sending the message, one at a time. (heavy server load if thousands of addresses)

Dim strReturnAddress
Dim strToAddress
Dim strBlindAddress

'create a loop here and move through the recordset

strReturnAddress = "[email protected]"
strToAddress = oRS.fields("member_email")

strBody = "<p><font face='Tahoma' size='2'>"
strBody = strBody & "<p>Put some text here. </p>"
strBody = strBody & "<p>Put some text here</p>"
strBody = strBody & "<p>Put some text here</font></p>"

Set objCDOMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

objCDOMail.From = strReturnAddress
objCDOMail.To = strToAddress
objCDOMail.Bcc = strBlindAddress

objCDOMail.Subject = "Message Subject Goes Here"
objCDOMail.BodyFormat = 0
objCDOMail.MailFormat = 0
objCDOMail.Body = strBody
objCDOMail.Importance = 2
Set objCDOMail = Nothing

' end of loop

The more efficient way would be to loop through emails building a string as you go along (email = email & ";") and then use the string as the BCC. (I would limit the number of addresses in a BCC to maybe 300 and do it again for the next 300)